Changes to Pilbara Ore Reserves and Mineral Resources

02 March 2018

Rio Tinto’s 2017 annual report, released to the market today, includes significant changes in estimates of Ore Reserves and Mineral Resources for four Pilbara iron ore deposits in Western Australia, compared to the previous estimates in the 2016 annual report.

The updated Ore Reserves and Mineral Resources are reported in accordance with the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves, 2012 (JORC Code) and the ASX Listing Rules. Supporting information relating to the changes is set out in this release and its appendices. Ore Reserves and Mineral Resources are quoted on a 100 per cent basis. Rio Tinto’s interests are listed on pages 6, 10, 14 and 17.

Rio Tinto’s Ore Reserves and Mineral Resources are set out in full in its 2017 annual report. Ore Reserves are reported as dry product tonnage, Mineral Resources are reported as dry in-situ tonnages in addition to Ore Reserves.

During 2017, estimated iron Ore Reserves increased by 165 Mt after depletion from mining. The increases have been delivered as part of the ongoing resource development drilling programs, with associated technical, social and economic studies, designed to maintain Ore Reserves coverage ahead of mining depletion rates. During the same period, estimated Mineral Resources increased by 508 Mt.

This release and its appendices set out the following significant changes in Ore Reserves and Mineral Resources:

  Ore Reserves Mineral Resources
Brockman South Marra Mamba First reporting of Ore Reserves for Brockman South Marra Mamba Deposits O, Q, & R has added 55 Mt to Brockman 4.  
Robe Valley First reporting of Ore Reserves for Mesa B, C, & H has added 253 Mt to the Robe River JV Robe Valley Pisolite ore.  
West Angelas First reporting of Ore Reserves for West Angelas Deposit C and Deposit D has added 100 Mt of Robe River JV West Angelas Marra Mamba ore.  
Howard's Well   First reporting of Mineral Resources for Howard's Well has added to the Robe River JV:
  • 332 Mt of Brockman ore
  • 286 Mt of Brockman Process ore; and
  • 13 Mt of Detrital ore

The locations of the deposits involved are shown in Figure 1. Changes in Ore Reserves between 2016 and 2017 are shown in Table A. Changes in Mineral Resources between 2016 and 2017 are shown in Table B.